Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. - James Bovard
Está explicado
É razoável supor que os recentes apelos à desistência a favor de Mário Soares se tenham baseado no conhecimento antecipado dos resultados desta sondagem por parte da direcção do PS.
Sendo verdadeira esta suposição, pergunto-me se será lícito dar conhecimento antecipado a terceiros de uma sondagem encomendada por entidades privadas (SIC, Expresso e Rádio Renascença).
Although the mechanical philosophy is long dead and buried, our age is not without its own dogma regarding properly scientific explanations. Today, the prevailing belief is that any real science must be composed of mathematical models, models which yield quantitative predictions about some class of events based on particular, initial conditions, also specified numerically. Once again, the currently popular methodology has been imposed on diverse disciplines with little regard to whether it is suitable to their subject matter, but simply because it is thought to be the only respectable way to do science. The philosopher John Dupré calls this "scientific imperialism," meaning "the tendency for a successful scientific idea to be applied far beyond its original home, and generally with decreasing success the more its application is expanded" (2001, p. 16). Once again, we see a frantic effort to generate models fitting the accepted paradigm, with little regard for the realism of the assumptions and mechanisms from which they are constructed.###
At this point, the relevance of the history of the mechanical philosophy to the circumstances with which Austrian economists currently struggle should be apparent. It illustrates a number of points that can be used to defend their embrace of an unfashionable view of economics:
It is not the case that science always makes steady progress; it sometimes enters cul-de-sacs that it must eventually back out of in order to move forward again. That is especially the case when a methodology from one science is imposed on another without concern for its aptness in the new domain.
It is not the case that scientific truth can be decided by a "market test" ; science is not toothpaste, and markets cater to the preferences of participants, without regard to whether those preferences arise from scrupulous examination or ill-considered prejudice.
It is not the case that a real science must forget its founders ; often, the key needed to unlock some gate barring the way forward can be found in the ideas of a long-dead thinker.
And it is not the case that scientists should placidly drift with the prevalent methodological tide like so many jellyfish bobbing in the waves; the greatest scientists have often been the ones who had the courage to swim against the current.
Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" had found its counterpart in the environmentalists' "I have a nightmare".
Recomenda-se a brigadistas do PC (não é o Partido), candidatos a Presidente deste sitio mal frequentado ao Enginheiro,leitores compulsivos do jornal A Bola, drop-outs adolescentes, reformados e eleitores do diacono Anacleto.
Incêndio na biblioteca da Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Na noite do dia 14 de Dezembro, um fogo destruiu parte da biblioteca da Universidade de Economia de Viena. A polícia encontrou 4 fontes de incêndio e restos de materiais, tal como gasolina, que ajudaram a propagação do fogo. Cerca de 20.000 livros terão sidos destruídos. A biblioteca, com 26.600 metros quadrados, continha 770.000 livros e 2.000 revistas. O ano passado teve 885.000 visitantes. Foi à Universidade de Viena que F.A. Hayek vendeu a sua biblioteca. Mais tarde tentou reavê-la, mas a Universidade recusou o negócio.
Francisco Louçã, no debate com Jerónimo de Sousa, enalteceu a atitude do líder dos comunistas, por elevar o nível da política, quando este se demarcou de algumas críticas que a Louçã foram feitas pelo jornal Avante. Este momento foi muito importante no debate porque quando Jerónimo lhe pediu a mesma humildade, Louçã retorquiu-lhe dizendo nada dever fazer nesse sentido por nenhuma falta ter sido cometida pelo Bloco.
Este é um truque muito apreciado pelo líder do Bloco de Esquerda. Elogia sempre como uma farpa debaixo da língua. Aos outros é quem cabe elevar o discurso político, sendo o medidor ideal da moral em política, ele, Francisco Louçã. O que nada deve, nada tem a pedir, nenhum acto de contrição tem a fazer. O chefe dos bloquistas é impune e coloca sempre o debate nestes termos: Ele está num nível superior. É o Alfa e o Ómega. Quem quiser discutir tem primeiro de pedir desculpa pelos erros. Caso contrário, ouvirá apenas um chorrilho de máximas morais e políticas que inquinará todo o debate.
Embora não se refira ao tipo de financiamento usado, eis um artigo sobre o impacto que pode ter a construção de um novo aeroporto. Até que ponto, a transferência do aeroporto para a Ota, afectará negativamente Lisboa, do ponto de vista económico? Via The Economist(premium):
IN THE 19th century cities and businesses grew up around the railways; in the 20th century the growth of motorways drove development. But these days the magnets for business are airports. With so much emphasis on just-in-time manufacturing and some professionals needing to jump on planes almost daily, airports are becoming the centres of cities of their own. Warehouses, malls, high-tech firms and even consultancies are setting up shop almost within sight of the runway. It is a phenomenon that John Kasarda, a professor of entrepreneurship at the University of North Carolina calls the “aerotropolis”. ###
One such aerotropolis has grown up around Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). Jeffrey Fegan, the airport's chief executive, illustrates the phenomenon with a large aerial photograph that has his airport at the centre. Dense clusters of buildings appear on all sides, just beyond the highways that ring the airport. DFW opened in 1974 and is set squarely in the middle of the two huge metropolitan areas that give it its name (see map). But much of the surrounding development has taken place over the past ten years. The immediate airport area has all the facilities travellers expect—rental-car agencies, hotels and cargo storage—as well as the headquarters of American Airlines. Warehouses are on all sides; the latest arrival is, which plans to open a giant plant later this year in the city of Irving, just a 15-minute drive from the airport. A new shopping mall is due to open south of the airport.
Irving used to be known mostly as a home to Texas Stadium and the Dallas Cowboys. But Las Colinas, a planned business and residential community within Irving, now boasts offices belonging to household names such as Accenture and Bank of America. In May Fluor, a giant engineering company, decided to move its corporate headquarters from southern California to Las Colinas. It cited the proximity of DFW as a “major factor” in its decision.
Dallas is far from an isolated example of airport-driven development. When Washington Dulles International Airport opened in 1962 in rural Virginia, it was considered a white elephant; but it has spawned a high-tech corridor and now sits in the fastest-growing county in the United States. Denver's ten-year-old international airport, about 40 miles out of town, is expected to be the centre of a community of 500,000 people by 2025—almost as many people as live in Denver itself. It recently branded its surrounding acreage as the “Aeropolitan”, a nod to Mr Kasarda, as well as a marketing pitch to businesses.
Working in the shadow of an airport has its problems. There are height restrictions on buildings, and residents and office workers have to put up with the noise and traffic that airports generate. But, despite those drawbacks, more and more businesses feel the need to be near a runway.
Segundo leio na Grande Loja do Queijo Limiano, depois de ter assinado um acordo de cooperação na área da Justiça com a China, o Governo prepara acordos similares com Cuba e a Coreia do Norte.
Hoje de manhã, Luís Osório comentava na RCP o debate entre Jerónimo de Sousa e Francisco Louçã, dizendo que este último é brilhante, um sobredotado mesmo, mas que por vezes estraga essa imagem com o que diz. Como exemplo citou o debate com Paulo Portas (o tal sobre quem tinha gerado vidas ou não) e a intervenção final de ontem. Nesta, Louçã referiu os nomes de João Amaral e Lino de Carvalho, para de alguma forma atacar o candidato do PCP. Luís Osório classificou esta atitude como um golpe baixo, um acto cobarde. No entanto, estamos a falar do mesmo homem que nos olha, olhos nos olhos.
Nos últimos dias, três altos dirigentes socialistas vieram dramatizar a profusão de candidatos à esquerda e apelar à desistência dos Manuel Alegre, Francisco Louçã e Jerónimo a Sousa favor de Mário Soares invocado o perigo de Cavaco Silva ganhar à primeira volta.
António Vitorino chegou mesmo a dizer que os restantes candidatos devem de assumir "responsabilidades" se tal acontecer.
Se a direcção do PS está assim tão preocupada com este cenário não deveria dar o exemplo e "obrigar" o seu candidato a desisitir a favor de outro qualquer?
Simplesmente abjecta a tentativa de Francisco Louçã capitalizar votos com a referência a João Amaral e Lino de Carvalho no debate com Jerónimo de Sousa.
[Via Blasfémias] Carlos Zorrinho é o novo coordenador do Plano Tecnológico, depois de Sócrates retirar a Manuel Pinho a responsabilidade sobre o dito. Pode-se dizer que se trata de um mega-coordenador, já que também coordena a implementação da Estratégia de Lisboa. Ficam as suas palavras aquando da posse, em Julho:
[O país e a Europa] têm de ser capazes de competir no espaço global através de inovação e não através do desmantelamento do Estado social.
Pareciam premonitórias de que ainda iria coordenar as duas áreas. Agora que a tecnologia vai estar ao serviço do estado social, não há quem pare Portugal. Ou a Europa.
A Portugal Telecom subiu mais de 4% levando a bolsa nacional a renovar o máximo de quatro anos e a destacar-se perante uma Europa que fechou na generalidade negativa. O PSI-20 subiu 0,83% impulsionado pelo novo alento que a possibilidade do governo vir a deixar de ter o «golden share» na PT concedeu às acções da maior operadora de telecomunicações portuguesa.
"IRC devia ser de 0% para estimular o investimento"
O Governo devia reduzir a taxa de imposto sobre os lucros das empresas (IRC) para % e passar a tributar apenas a distribuição de dividendos aos accionistas, à semelhança do que acontece já hoje na Estónia. "Esta medida permitiria a Portugal ser o primeiro país da EU-15 a ter um factor de competitividade imbatível para atrair mais investimento nacional e internacional, ou seja, aumentar o emprego e a riqueza", disse ao DN Filipe Botton.
O empresário admite que no curto prazo seria complicado para o Estado perder 3,8 mil milhões de euros de receitas (11% do total), embora "a prazo ganhasse muito mais pela tributação de dividendos (taxa de 20%) e pela criação de postos de trabalho" [1].
[1] É claro que, preferêncialmente, deveria aproveitar para diminuir também a despesa pública
Do meu voo KLM que viria a ser cancelado ao fim de uma hora de espera, vejo um avião da easyjet passar. Povo fantástico, estes holandeses. Venderam esta companhia de bandeira que perde dinheiro para que seja o contribuinte francês a pagar qualquer recuperação e têm uma das mais dinámicas companhias low-cost que dá lucro.
Nós por cá, temos uma companhia cujo serviço é considerado, internacionalmente, dos melhores do mundo: a Portugália. No entanto, o Estado Português continua a prejudicá-la para favorecer outra companhia cuja imagem internacional se resume na expressão TAP: Take Another Plane.
A $300 million Pentagon psychological warfare operation includes plans for placing pro-American messages in foreign media outlets without disclosing the U.S. government as the source(...). He [Mike Furlong, deputy director of the Joint Psychological Operations Support Element] declined to give examples of specific "products," which he said would include articles, advertisements and public-service announcements.
Paolo di Canio é um dos melhores futebolistas da última década. Depois de várias temporadas nos campeonatos escocês e inglês, regressou a Itália e ao seu club d'il cuore: a Lazio. No final do jogo do último fim de semana, que opôs a Lazio ao Livorno, di Canio despediu-se dos adeptos fazendo a saudação romana — a habitual saudação fascista.
Está agora sujeito a um inquérito da FIGC (a federação italiana de futebol), acusado de racismo por colegas de equipa e de anti-semitismo pela comunidade judaica italiana. Paolo di Canio não negou o significado político do gesto, já foi multado em duas ocasiões anteriores por gestos semelhantes e nunca escondeu a sua admiração política por Mussolini.###
Não me espanta nem me incomoda que um jogador seja responsabilizado pelas instituições desportivas por gestos de natureza claramente política no decurso de eventos desportivos, sejam eles quais forem. Acho normal que colegas de equipa e associações cívicas reajam.
O que me incomoda é a assimetria com que gestos e comportamentos desta natureza tendem a ser tratados: a indignação e o teor das acusações em resposta ao gesto de Paolo di Canio contrastam com o silêncio e a condescendência sobre o comportamento da claque do Livorno, que “brindou” os jogadores da Lazio com cânticos comunistas e punhos erguidos —a habitual saudação comunista. O Livorno foi multado em 20000€ mas porque um adepto não identificado lançou uma tocha contra o autocarro da Lazio antes do jogo.
A saudação romana despoletou um coro ululante de acusações de “fascismo” e a inscrição “Dux” que di Canio ostenta tatuada no braço foi imediatamente invocada como a “prova do herege”. Ao mesmo tempo considera-se “normal”e até “giro” que diversos jogadores ostentem tatuagens com a efígie de um criminoso como Che Guevara. Estas reacções são manifestações superficiais de duas opiniões, perigosamente falsas e frequentes na generalidade dos países da Europa ocidental.
A primeira é uma atitude generalizada de relativização dos crimes contra a humanidade cometidos em nome das utopias de esquerda, que vai ao ponto de ocultar a raiz historicista comum dos totalitarismos nazi e comunista. O historiador Niall Ferguson relembrava recentemente, a propósito dos disparates anti-americanos de Harold Pinter:
“[T]he lowest estimate for the number of people who were killed on political grounds in the last seven years of Stalin's life is five million, and the camps of the gulag - which only a fraud or a fool would liken to American prisons today - kept on killing long after his death. In their new biography, Jung Chang and Jon Halliday reckon Mao was responsible for anything up to 70 million deaths in China. The number of people killed or starved by the North Korean regime may be in the region of 1.6 million. The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia killed between 1.5 and 2 million people. For further details, I refer Pinter to The Black Book of Communism, published in 1997.”
A segunda é uma incompreensível inconsistência lógica na repressão e censura generalizada do que se relaciona ou é evocativo do totalitarismo nazi e do autoritarismo fascista. É que, convenientemente ausente desta fúria censória, fica um “ismo” crucial: o islamismo.
Será por ignorância que a influência directa que o nazismo e o fascismo tiveram na emergência do terrorismo islâmico é sistematicamente esquecida? Se é resolve-se facilmente. Basta ler “Terror, Islam and Democracy”, um artigo fundamental para se compreender o terrorismo islâmico, em particular este excerto:
“The idea of a “pan-Islamic” movement appeared in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries concomitantly with the rapid transformation of traditional Muslim polities into nation-states. The man who did more than any other to lend an Islamic cast to totalitarian ideology was an Egyptian schoolteacher named Hassan al-Banna (1906–49). Banna was not a theologian by training. Deeply influenced by Egyptian nationalism, he founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928 with the express goal of counteracting Western influences.
By the late 1930s, Nazi Germany had established contacts with revolutionary junior officers in the Egyptian army, including many who were close to the Muslim Brothers. Before long the Brothers, who had begun by pursuing charitable, associational, and cultural activities, also had a youth wing, a creed of unconditional loyalty to the leader, and a paramilitary organization whose slogan “action, obedience, silence” echoed the “believe, obey, fight” motto of the Italian Fascists. Banna’s ideas were at odds with those of the traditional ulema (theologians), and he warned his followers as early as 1943 to expect “the severest opposition” from the traditional religious establishment.
From the Fascists—and behind them, from the European tradition of putatively “transformative” or “purifying” revolutionary violence that began with the Jacobins—Banna also borrowed the idea of heroic death as a political art form. Although few in the West may remember it today, it is difficult to overstate the degree to which the aestheticization of death, the glorification of armed force, the worship of martyrdom, and faith in “the propaganda of the deed” shaped the antiliberal ethos of both the far right and elements of the far left earlier in the twentieth century.
Following Banna, today’s Islamist militants embrace a terrorist cult of martyrdom that has more to do with Georges Sorel’s Réflexions sur la violence than with anything in either Sunni or Shi’ite Islam.”
Em Outubro deste ano, a comemoração do bicentenário da morte do almirante Nelson e da batalha de Trafalgar teve como evento central uma “reencenação” da batalha histórica. As frotas “beligerantes”, onde se incluíam diversos navios cedidos pelas armadas espanhola e francesa, foram convenientemente rebaptizadas de “encarnada” e “azul” para não recordar aos convidados a tremenda derrota militar. Neste terreiro de fantasia demencial, pós-histórica e pós-religiosa, outrora conhecido por Europa, a maioria dos políticos tudo faz para apagar a identidade dos europeus, inventando um passado que nunca existiu para evitar desconfortos no presente, em nome de um futuro que julgam “conveniente”. A persistente mediocridade dos governantes europeus, com os seus exércitos de fingir em tons azuis e encarnados, fará com que cada vez mais europeus, tal como Paolo di Canio, renovem o seu interesse pelas políticas associadas ao “preto e ao castanho".
Entretanto os governos europeus, confrontados com um inimigo —o Islão radical— que temem ao ponto de negar a sua existência, preferem canalizar a “indignação” para símbolos de tiranias pretéritas, não parecem ter mais a dizer sobre os neo-fascistas islâmicos do que Gertrude Stein sobre os nazis do seu tempo (homens maus, maus!...) e receiam, acima de tudo, que alguém ainda os leve a sério. Não precisam de se preocupar.
Paolo di Canio é um dos melhores futebolistas da última década. Depois de várias temporadas nos campeonatos escocês e inglês, regressou a Itália e ao seu club d'il cuore: a Lazio. No final do jogo do último fim de semana, que opôs a Lazio ao Livorno, di Canio despediu-se dos adeptos fazendo a saudação romana — a habitual saudação fascista.
Está agora sujeito a um inquérito da FIGC (a federação italiana de futebol), acusado de racismo por colegas de equipa e de anti-semitismo pela comunidade judaica italiana. Paolo di Canio não negou o significado político do gesto, já foi multado em duas ocasiões anteriores por gestos semelhantes e nunca escondeu a sua admiração política por Mussolini.
Não me espanta nem me incomoda que um jogador seja responsabilizado pelas instituições desportivas por gestos de natureza claramente política no decurso de eventos desportivos, sejam eles quais forem. Acho normal que colegas de equipa e associações cívicas reajam.
O que me incomoda é a assimetria com que gestos e comportamentos desta natureza tendem a ser tratados: a indignação e o teor das acusações em resposta ao gesto de Paolo di Canio contrastam com o silêncio e a condescendência sobre o comportamento da claque do Livorno, que “brindou” os jogadores da Lazio com cânticos comunistas e punhos erguidos —a habitual saudação comunista. O Livorno foi multado em 20000€ mas porque um adepto não identificado lançou uma tocha contra o autocarro da Lazio antes do jogo.
A saudação romana despoletou um coro ululante de acusações de “fascismo” e a inscrição “Dux” que di Canio ostenta tatuada no braço foi imediatamente invocada como a “prova do herege”. Ao mesmo tempo considera-se “normal”e até “giro” que diversos jogadores ostentem tatuagens com a efígie de um criminoso como Che Guevara. Estas reacções são manifestações superficiais de duas opiniões, perigosamente falsas e frequentes na generalidade dos países da Europa ocidental.
A primeira é uma atitude generalizada de relativização dos crimes contra a humanidade cometidos em nome das utopias de esquerda, que vai ao ponto de ocultar a raiz historicista comum dos totalitarismos nazi e comunista. O historiador Niall Ferguson relembrava recentemente, a propósito dos disparates anti-americanos de Harold Pinter:
Hayek strongly endorses the distinction between authoritative and non-authoritative activities of government made by JS Mill( who he disliked intensely). Mill's distinction turns on whether a government intervention invades the " protected sphere" by using coercion beyond the tax power( which includes establishing a monopoly). In Mill's view as in Hayek's the state can do anything in the non-authoritative sphere that can reasonably be regarded as useful or desirable, and in Hayek's view this could include a State Opera and similar cultural and informational amenities.
A fonte é John Gray que actualmente faz uns biscates numa tal London School of Economics (alguém sabe onde é que isto fica?).
Na minha modesta opinião, não se trata de um "apoio entusiático" a esta forma de intervencionismo. Trata-se antes de saber que tipo de intervenções (forma e objecto) são compatíveis com uma sociedade liberal, um pouco à semelhança do que Hayek faz no seu Liberalism quando fala de "The service functions of government" e de "Positive tasks of liberal legislation" (transcrição de seguida)###
14. The service functions of government
The strict limitation of governmental powers to the enforcement of general rules of just conduct required by liberal principles refers only to the coercive powers of government. Government may render in addition, by the use of the means placed at its disposal, many services which involve no coercion except for the raising of the means by taxation; and apart perhaps from some extreme wings of the liberal movement, the desirability of government undertaking such tasks has never been denied. They were, however, in the nineteenth century still of minor and mainly traditional importance and little discussed by liberal theory which merely stressed that such services had better be left in the hands of local rather than central government. The guiding consideration was a fear that central government would become too powerful, and a hope that competition between the different local authorities would effectively control and direct the development of these services on desirable lines.
The general growth of wealth and the new aspirations whose satisfaction were made possible by it have since led to an enormous growth of those service activities, and have made necessary a much more clear‑cut attitude towards them than classical liberalism ever took. There can be no doubt that there are many such services, known to the economists as 'public goods', which are highly desirable but cannot be provided by the market mechanism, because if they arc provided they will benefit everybody and cannot be confined to those who are willing to pay for them. From the elementary tasks of the protection against crime or the prevention of the spreading of contagious diseases and other health services, to the great variety of problems which the large urban agglomerations [144] raise most acutely, the required services can only be provided if the means to defray their costs are raised by taxation. This means that, if these services are to be provided at all, at least their finance, if not necessarily also their operation must be placed in the hands of agencies which have the power of taxation. This need not mean that government is given the exclusive right to render these services, and the liberal will wish that the possibility be left open that when ways of providing such services by private enterprise are discovered, this can be done. He will also retain the traditional preference that those services should so far as possible be provided by local rather than central authorities and be paid for by local taxation, since in this manner at least some connection between those who benefit and those who pay for a particular service will be preserved. But beyond this liberalism has developed scarcely any definite principles to guide policy in this wide field of ever increasing importance.
The failure to apply the general principles of liberalism to the new problems showed itself in the course of the development of the modern Welfare State. Though it should have been possible to achieve many of its aims within a liberal framework, this would have required a slow experimental process; yet the desire to achieve them by the most immediately effective path led everywhere to the abandonment of liberal principles. While it should have been possible, in particular, to provide most of the services of social insurance by the development of an institution for true competitive insurance, and while even a minimum income assured to all might have been created within a liberal framework, the decision to make the whole field of social insurance a government monopoly, and to turn the whole apparatus erected for that purpose into a great machinery for the redistribution of incomes, led to a progressive growth of the government controlled sector of the economy and to a steady dwindling of the part of the economy in which liberal principles still prevail.
15. Positive tasks of liberal legislation
Traditional liberal doctrine, however, not only failed to cope adequately with new problems, but also never developed a sufficiently clear programme for the development of a legal framework designed to preserve an effective market order. If the free enterprise system is to work beneficially, it is not sufficient that the laws satisfy the negative criteria sketched earlier. It is also necessary that their [145] positive content be such as to make the market mechanism operate satisfactorily. This requires in particular rules which favour the preservation of competition and restrain, so far as possible, the development of monopolistic positions. These problems were somewhat neglected by nineteenth‑century liberal doctrine and were examined systematically only more recently by some of the 'neoliberal' groups.
It is probable, however, that in the field of enterprise monopoly would never have become a serious problem if government had not assisted its development by tariffs, certain features of the law of corporations and of the law of industrial patents. It is an open question whether, beyond giving the legal framework such a character that it will favour competition, specific measures to combat monopoly are necessary or desirable. If they are, the ancient common law prohibition of conspiracies in restraint of trade might have provided a foundation for such a development which, however, remained long unused. Only comparatively lately, beginning with the Sherman Act of 189o in the USA, and in Europe mostly only after the Second World War, were attempts made at a deliberate antitrust and anti‑cartel legislation which, because of the discretionary powers which they usually conferred on administrative agencies, were not wholly reconcilable with classical liberal ideals.
The field, however, in which the failure to apply liberal principles led to developments which increasingly impeded the functioning of the market order, is that of the monopoly of organized labour or of the trade unions. Classical liberalism had supported the demands of the workers for 'freedom of association', and perhaps for this reason later failed effectively to oppose the development of labour unions into institutions privileged by law to use coercion in a manner not permitted to anybody else. It is this position of the labour unions which has made the market mechanism for the determination of wages largely inoperative, and it is more than doubtful whether a market economy can be preserved if the competitive determination of prices is not also applied to wages. The question whether the market order will continue to exist or whether it will be replaced by a centrally planned economic system may well depend on whether it will prove possible in some manner to restore a competitive labour market.
The effects of these developments show themselves already in the manner in which they have influenced government action in the [146] second main field in which it is generally believed that a functioning market order requires positive government action: the provision of a stable monetary system. While classical liberalism assumed that the gold standard provided an automatic mechanism for the regulation of the supply of money and credit which would be adequate to secure a functioning market order, the historical developments have in fact produced a credit structure which has become to a high degree dependent on the deliberate regulation by a central authority. This control, which for some time had been placed in the hands of independent central banks, has in recent times been in effect transferred to governments, largely because budgetary policy has been made one of the chief instruments of monetary control. Governments have thus become responsible for determining one of the essential conditions on which the working of the market mechanism depends.
In this position governments in all Western countries have been forced, in order to secure adequate employment at the wages driven up by trade union action, to pursue an inflationary policy which makes monetary demand rise faster than the supply of goods. They have been driven by this into an accelerating inflation which in turn they feel bound to counteract by direct controls of prices that threaten to make the market mechanism increasingly inoperative. This seems now to become the way in which, as already indicated in the historical section, the market order which is the foundation of a liberal system will be progressively destroyed.
A decisão sobre o uso do preservativo é uma decisão feita num ambiente de incerteza. A escolha depende basicamente da avaliação dos custos financeiro e hedonista face ao benefício duma menor probabilidade de adquirir o HIV. Sempre que alguém usa um preservativo diminui a probabilidade sua ou do seu parceiro de contágio. Mas não só. Diminui também a probabilidade de contágio de futuros parceiros de ambos. E dos parceiros desses parceiros.
Este efeito “bola de neve” significa que existe uma “externalidade” positiva para futuros parceiros. A forma de corrigir esta “falha de mercado” é subsidiar a actividade que a gera. Tal como se justifica subsidiar os atletas que representam um país – pelos benefícios auferidos por terceiros – também se justifica o subsídio aos preservativos. Estes devem ter um preço quase simbólico, ainda que não nulo, de forma a evitar o desperdício.
E as externalidades negativas de semelhante subsídio? Porque devem, por exemplo, os casais monógamos pagar pelas "orgias"(!) sexuais de outros?
Aliás, considerando a elevada “assimetria informacional” referida no artigo, actuais parceiros sexuais podem assumir que, em passadas relações, a outra parte usou sempre o preservativo subsidiado.
O PS e o PSD anunciaram que vão apresentar uma proposta que " visa impedir que os cidadãos a contas com a justiça se candidatem as autarquias".
Este súbito assomo moralista apenas se entende devido ao sucedido nas últimas autárquicas. Ambos os partidos perderam eleições para candidatos que foram impedidos de concorrer nas suas listas devido aos processos judiciais em que se encontravam envolvidos. Tenho muitas dúvidas que se o resultado eleitoral tivesse sido outro esta proposta alguma vez seria apresentada.###
Independentemente do que possamos pensar sobre os "candidatos-bandidos", ser arguido num processo não implica automaticamente que as acusações estejam provadas. Com esta proposta de lei, o poder político pretende substituir-se ao poder judicial. Tal representa uma clara violação do Estado de Direito.
Melhor seria que se procedesse a uma efectiva reforma do Sistema Judicial que permitisse aumentar a celeridade dos processos por forma a impedir que estes se prolonguem ad eternum até à prescrição. Relembro que a morosidade da Justiça já foi diversas vezes apontada como um dos maiores problemas do país. Os sucessivos governos têm preferido focar a sua atenção em obras mais vistosas...
Aproveito também para relembrar que a perpetuação de muitas das práticas de que são acusados os "candidatos-bandidos" se devem ao actual sistema de financiamento das autarquias. A maior parte das receitas do poder local é proveniente de transferências da administração central e que, com poucas excepções (como o caso do IMI - que mesmo assim só afecta quem transacciona imóveis), os impostos municipais apenas incidem sobre empresas e não sobre os munícipes. Desta forma a sobre-facturação em obras ou fornecimentos e outros desvios de fundos (para financiar clubes de futebol ou moradias dos próprios autarcas) não afectam directamente os eleitores. Desde que se vá fazendo obra e (principalmente) o clube da territa esteja a fazer um "bom campeonato" o presidente até pode ser considerado um "autarca-modelo". Como há tempos referia o FCG, não nos importamos que ele roube para si desde roube também (qualquer coisita) para nós.
A municipalição dos impostos (nomeadamente a possibilidade de os municípios fixarem as taxas a cobrar) permitiria clarificar nos munícipes o custo da "obra feita" e outras fantasias dos "autarcas-modelo".
Em suma, penso que esta proposta do Bloco Central pretende tratar os sintomas e não as causa doença. Acredito que eles saibam disso. Estou em crer que este medida se enquadre num conjunto mais amplo de decretos-lei que visem dificultar o concorrência de candidaturas independentes às autarquias. Algo que o establishment não pode permitir.
O PS e o PSD anunciaram que vão apresentar uma proposta que " visa impedir que os cidadãos a contas com a justiça se candidatem as autarquias".
Este súbito assomo moralista apenas se entende devido ao sucedido nas últimas autárquicas. Ambos os partidos perderam eleições para candidatos que foram impedidos de concorrer nas suas listas devido aos processos judiciais em que se encontravam envolvidos. Tenho muitas dúvidas que se o resultado eleitoral tivesse sido outro esta proposta alguma vez seria apresentada.
Independentemente do que possamos pensar sobre os "candidatos-bandidos", ser arguido num processo não implica automaticamente que as acusações estejam provadas. Com esta proposta de lei, o poder político pretende substituir-se ao poder judicial. Tal representa uma clara violação do Estado de Direito.
Melhor seria que se procedesse a uma efectiva reforma do Sistema Judicial que permitisse aumentar a celeridade dos processos por forma a impedir que estes se prolonguem ad eternum até à prescrição. Relembro que a morosidade da Justiça já foi diversas vezes apontada como um dos maiores problemas do país. Os sucessivos governos têm preferido focar a sua atenção em obras mais vistosas...
Aproveito também para relembrar que a perpetuação de muitas das práticas de que são acusados os "candidatos-bandidos" se devem ao actual sistema de financiamento das autarquias. A maior parte das receitas do poder local é proveniente de transferências da administração central e que, com poucas excepções (como o caso do IMI - que mesmo assim só afecta quem transacciona imóveis), os impostos municipais apenas incidem sobre empresas e não sobre os munícipes. Desta forma a sobre-facturação em obras ou fornecimentos e outros desvios de fundos (para financiar clubes de futebol ou moradias dos próprios autarcas) não afectam directamente os eleitores. Desde que se vá fazendo obra e (principalmente) o clube da territa esteja a fazer um "bom campeonato" o presidente até pode ser considerado um "autarca-modelo". Como há tempos referia o FCG, não nos importamos que ele roube para si desde roube também (qualquer coisita) para nós.
A municipalição dos impostos (nomeadamente a possibilidade de os municípios fixarem as taxas a cobrar) permitiria clarificar nos munícipes o custo da "obra feita" e outras fantasias dos "autarcas-modelo".
Em suma, penso que esta proposta do Bloco Central pretende tratar os sintomas e não as causa doença. Acredito que eles saibam disso. Estou em crer que este medida se enquadre num conjunto mais amplo de decretos-lei que visem dificultar o concorrência de candidaturas independentes às autarquias. Algo que o establishment não pode permitir.
Na apresentação do livro "Com os portugueses", de Jorge Sampaio", disse Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa:
Num tempo de populismos assumidos e disfarçados, de culto de mitos vivos, de feira de vaidades pessoais, de clientelismos de toda a sorte, a humildade no entrar, no cumprir e no sair é o timbre de um verdadeiro republicano e de um verdadeiro patriota.
Se Sampaio é o exemplo a seguir, então quem não apresenta "a humildade no entrar, no cumprir e no sair"? Estaria o Prof. Marcelo a referir-se a alguns dos actuais candidatos a PR?
Algumas notas: (1) A votação para "melhor blogue de direita" está a ser bastante disputada. A diferença entre o 1º e o 4º mais votado é relativamente pequena. Nada parece estar garantido. (2) Na votação para "melhor blogue de esquerda" as posições mantiveram-se desde a última contagem. Embora tenha diminuido a distância para o 2º blogue mais votado a A Destreza das Dúvidas continua destacada no 1º lugar. (3) Não deixa de ser curioso que o número total de votos nos blogues de direita seja quase o dobro que nos de esquerda.
Recordo que a votação decorrerá até ao fim do dia 20 de Dezembro.
Para ser proponente basta preencher dois formulários (disponíveis aqui) e enviá-los pelo correio.
Por enquanto não interessa saber qual o programa eleitoral de Manuela Magno. Teremos tempo para descobrir. Entretanto, podem seguir a pré-candidatura no seu blog (inclui videos).
"Qualquer nova privatização de uma empresa deve verificar se há potencial financeiro nacional para adquiri-la e se estão ou não em causa aspectos sociais", afirmou Cavaco Silva, no debate com o também candidato a Belém Jerónimo de Sousa, na SIC.
O candidato apoiado pelo PCP foi mais crítico da política de privatizações do Governo e lembrou a Cavaco Silva que não é possível garantir que as empresas privatizadas passem para mãos estrangeiras.
Os consumidores domésticos e as microempresas, um universo de cerca de 5,7 milhões de clientes, poderão mudar de fornecedor de electricidade a partir de 4 de Setembro de 2006, anunciou hoje a Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos (ERSE).
But despite all the fears of civil war and terrorism, it seems Iraqis have come to terms with the chaos. As in Germany in the years after World War II, where there was an overriding sense of "having got through it all", people in Iraq are looking beyond the destruction, suffering and crises to the future. Their motto: progress.
At any rate, Iraqi incomes have more than doubled in the past two years, to an average of $236 a month, and the range of consumer durables on offer has improved markedly. Almost every household now possesses a television set, and 86 percent of TV viewers also have a satellite dish.
Reason enough for Iraqis to display an almost inexplicable confidence. Across the country, almost 70 percent of the population believe that within a year, the situation in Iraq will be either "somewhat better" or "a lot better".
O CDS-PP vai entregar no Parlamento um projecto para criar um observatório da violência escolar, justificando a iniciativa por no último ano lectivo 191 pessoas terem recebido tratamento médico devido a agressões físicas sofridas nas escolas.
Qual é o pai que nada faz enquanto os seus filhos são espancados? Um pai não quer mais "observação" mas, sim, maior liberdade de escolha.
Hoje, Lula perderia a presidência para o seu anterior rival, José Serra. Aguardam-se medidas (ainda mais) populistas para recuperar eleitorado!
Sobre os debates, "quando as diferenças entre os candidatos do ponto de vista político e ideológico são reduzidas, (...) o que conta são os atributos estilísticos".
A propósito da abertura do processo de infracção por parte da UE contra Portugal, por causa da "golden share" na PT, disse o ministro das finanças, Teixeira dos Santos (via RR):
Se a orientação, a nível europeu, for a de que não faz sentido manter «golden shares», eu creio que o Estado português terá que reconsiderar os termos em que mantém a sua posição e a sua presença nalgumas empresas. Se o Estado entender que subsistem as razões que justificaram a existência de «golden shares», terá que arranjar outras formas de continuar a participar na vida societária dessas empresas de forma a acautelar os seus interesses.
Não passa é pela cabeça de ninguém, que o estado deixe de estar presente no mercado, condicionando a gestão de algumas empresas e o funcionamento de certos mercados/sectores. É uma ideia prevalecente em Portugal, que colherá apoio em todos os candidatos a P.R., como se tem constatado. Vão ter, os defensores do intervencionismo económico, de puxar pela imaginação para encontrar maneira de serem um "silent partner" nas tais empresas/sectores estratégicos para o futuro do país (quiçá do Universo). Os quais, neste momento passam pela CP (a tal empresa hiper-falida) e deveriam passar também pelas Pousadas de Portugal (na opinião do Dr. Soares).
Será que depois de introduzir a figura dos Controladores em cada ministério, o Sr. ministro se prepara para introduzir a figura do Testa de Ferro Público, nas participações estatais?
[A]ntes de todos os impactos positivos que se podem projectar, é preciso garantir que ele seja financeiramente sustentável.
O Governo já estava em falta na apresentação dessas garantias para um plano rodoviário que, toda a gente já percebeu, não se paga sem portagens. Agora fica duplamente devedor da demonstração de que este país pode pagar Ota, TGV e Scut sem novos aumentos de impostos.
Se a opção for essa, anuncia-se catástrofe. O efeito-PIB evapora-se e o emprego será temporário. A alta velocidade será útil para quem fugir daqui. E o eng. Sócrates não recebeu esse mandato, no dia em que conquistou a maioria absoluta.
Estou (por boas razões relacionadas com várias matérias editoriais pendentes que parecem estar finalmente em vias de resolução) sem tempo para dar continuidade a discussões em que me envolvi (aqui e aqui) sobre a abordagem metodológica da Escola Austríaca e a crítica à(s) teoria(s) do capital neoclássica(s). Peço desculpa aos vários intervenientes a quem agradeço os comentários, tanto de apoio como críticos. Julgo que em qualquer caso o essencial da minha posição ficou claro, ainda que não explicado. Tentarei retomar de alguma forma os temas em altura mais propícia, ainda que dificilmente vá responder individualmente aos vários argumentos apresentados.
P.S.: Embora não vá ter nos próximos dias (pelo menos até à próxima segunda feira) grande oportunidade para posts, não quero deixar de assinalar que me parece que o Insurgente passa neste momento por um dos melhores momentos (senão mesmo o melhor) desde a sua criação (perdoem-me a imodéstia pela pequena parte que me toca) em termos de qualidade e impacto do que aqui se escreve, o que muito me satisfaz e tranquiliza quanto aos efeitos negligenciáveis que a minha menor disponibilidade terá.
Hoje, a capacidade de endividamento das famílias está limitada pelas garantias reais e/ou capacidade financeira destas para reembolsar o empréstimo.
Imaginem, agora, um banco que lança o seguinte produto financeiro: as usuais restrições ao endividamento de um mutuário são levantadas se a contratualização do pagamento da dívida incluir todos os seus descendentes - actuais e por nascer.
Haverá, no entanto, muito poucos que concordam com a legalidade desta solução. Especialmente liberais! A responsabilidade individual é, para um liberal, um dos pilares de uma sociedade livre. Por melhor que seja a intenção do progenitor, não tem este qualquer direito de condicionar as escolhas dos seus filhos, netos, bisnetos, etc.
Mas, moralmente, pode um socialista condenar a comercialização de semelhante produto?
Uma causa que parece ser transversal a todas as candidaturas presidênciais é a xenofobia. Todos declaram ser contra a "entega" das empresas nacionais a investidores estrangeiros
And Hollywood Wonders Why They're Failing. Why, oh why, has Hollywood seen its worst boxoffice receipts in 15 years? The Golden Globe nominees for 2005 Best Picture say it all.###
Thought to be the precursor for the Oscar, here's what Hollywood thinks is their best of the year, and consequently what they think our culture should look like:
1) A love story between two gay sheepherders (erroneously labeled 'cowboys' by the media, I suppose because they wear hats).*
2) A film portraying as noble the efforts of journalists to demonize and "take down" a US Senator whose anti-communist policies they did not like.*
3) A film about, as one movie-going reviewer noted, "...the horrors of big business and the way they are willing to experiment on the poor to achieve their goals..."*
4) The demonization of the average mid-western American man as someone who is no hero, but a cold-blooded killer at heart.*
5) And lastly, a Woody Allen film about infidelity. Well, he should know.*
Hollywood honchos continue to wring their hands over why you've stopped going to the movies. They blame ticket prices and DVD availability. They had better start considering the fact that filmmakers are so disconnected, so nihilistic, that the hopelessness and hostility they feel toward the world now permeates their work. Americans will no longer go see movies which are nothing more than the manifestation of the backwash of malignant narcissists. We're also sick and tired of listening to actors lecture us about how awful the US is, and more recently, why a cold-blooded mass murdering gang founder should have been given clemency. Enough is enough.
Not only will we not go see films which insult us, we refuse to support an existential worldview. We happen to think life does matters, that decency is a good thing, and that people are inherently good, not bad. We also have stopped believing the lie that Americans are bad people. We looked away for 4 decades as that lie was spread, but that time is over.
So you can take your gay sheepherder, noble communist supporting reporters, big-business is evil, Americans are hopelessly and inherently corrupt and violent and unfaithful movies and go to Cannes where at least the Parisian set will love you. But that won't exactly pay the bills, will it?
It used to be whichever movie won the top awards guaranteed boffo box office. Not any longer. The Golden Globe (the 'foreign' press contingent) and the Oscar people are going to find that their nights of orgiastic self-congratulation won't get them much, if anything, any more.
[* 1) Brokeback Mountain, 2) Goodnight and Good Luck, 3) The Constant Gardener, 4) A History of Violence, 5) Match Point]
And Hollywood Wonders Why They're Failing. Why, oh why, has Hollywood seen its worst boxoffice receipts in 15 years? The Golden Globe nominees for 2005 Best Picture say it all.
Thought to be the precursor for the Oscar, here's what Hollywood thinks is their best of the year, and consequently what they think our culture should look like:
1) A love story between two gay sheepherders (erroneously labeled 'cowboys' by the media, I suppose because they wear hats).*
2) A film portraying as noble the efforts of journalists to demonize and "take down" a US Senator whose anti-communist policies they did not like.*
3) A film about, as one movie-going reviewer noted, "...the horrors of big business and the way they are willing to experiment on the poor to achieve their goals..."*
4) The demonization of the average mid-western American man as someone who is no hero, but a cold-blooded killer at heart.*
5) And lastly, a Woody Allen film about infidelity. Well, he should know.*
Hollywood honchos continue to wring their hands over why you've stopped going to the movies. They blame ticket prices and DVD availability. They had better start considering the fact that filmmakers are so disconnected, so nihilistic, that the hopelessness and hostility they feel toward the world now permeates their work. Americans will no longer go see movies which are nothing more than the manifestation of the backwash of malignant narcissists. We're also sick and tired of listening to actors lecture us about how awful the US is, and more recently, why a cold-blooded mass murdering gang founder should have been given clemency. Enough is enough.
Not only will we not go see films which insult us, we refuse to support an existential worldview. We happen to think life does matters, that decency is a good thing, and that people are inherently good, not bad. We also have stopped believing the lie that Americans are bad people. We looked away for 4 decades as that lie was spread, but that time is over.
So you can take your gay sheepherder, noble communist supporting reporters, big-business is evil, Americans are hopelessly and inherently corrupt and violent and unfaithful movies and go to Cannes where at least the Parisian set will love you. But that won't exactly pay the bills, will it?
It used to be whichever movie won the top awards guaranteed boffo box office. Not any longer. The Golden Globe (the 'foreign' press contingent) and the Oscar people are going to find that their nights of orgiastic self-congratulation won't get them much, if anything, any more.
[* 1) Brokeback Mountain, 2) Goodnight and Good Luck, 3) The Constant Gardener, 4) A History of Violence, 5) Match Point]
Niilismo e fanatismo religioso: todos diferentes, todos iguais
...a paz continua a ser comprometida e negada, de maneira dramática, pelo terrorismo ...tais desígnios estão inspirados por um niilismo trágico e desconcertante. E não é só o niilismo; também o fanatismo religioso, hoje frequentemente denominado fundamentalismo, pode inspirar e alimentar propósitos e gestos terroristas...
...o niilismo e o fundamentalismo relacionam-se de forma errada com a verdade: os niilistas negam a existência de qualquer verdade, os fundamentalistas avançam a pretensão de poder impô-la com a força. « Pretender impor aos outros com a violência aquela que se presume ser a verdade, significa violar a dignidade do ser humano e, em última instância, ultrajar a Deus, de quem ele é imagem ».
...o niilismo e o fundamentalismo têm em comum um perigoso desprezo pelo homem e sua vida e, em última análise, pelo próprio Deus. Com efeito, na base deste trágico recurso está, em definitivo, a falsificação da verdade plena de Deus: o niilismo nega a sua existência e providencial presença na história; o fundamentalismo fanático desfigura a sua face amorosa e misericordiosa, substituindo-O por ídolos feitos à própria imagem...
O Presidente do Irão propôs, primeiro, a eliminação de Israel. Depois, defendeu a transferência de Israel para a Europa. Agora afirma que o Holocausto é um mito.
A Comissão Europeia colocou (finalmente) em causa a golden share que o Estado detêm na PT.
Com apenas 500 acções (de um total de 150.000.000) o Estado arroga-se o direito de "nomear o presidente do Conselho de Administração ou vetar várias decisões, que poderão envolver fusões, aquisições e aumentos de capital".
(Recordo que o Estado pode ainda afectar decisões estratégicas e operacionais da PT e dos seus concorrentes através da entidades reguladoras das telecomunicações e concorrência)
O Estado detém um poder discricionário na PT muito superior à sua participação no capital da mesma o que constitui uma limitação objectiva dos direitos de propriedade dos restantes accionistas e uma distorção da livre concorrência no mercado das telecomunicações.
Mesmo assim, a CE resolveu dar o benefício da dúvida ao Estado português e resolveu concerder-lhe um prazo para que este responda às suas perguntas.
Durante dez anos, Jorge Sampaio, celebrizou-se por inventar centenas de "prioridades nacionais" que implicariam necessariamente o aumento das funções do Estado e chegou, inclusivamente, a desvalorizar a necessidade de redução da despesa pública.
Ontem, numa entrevista, o mesmo PR (julgo eu...), declarou que o combate ao défice orçamental "deve assentar numa poderosa revisão das funções do Estado que permita uma contenção sólida, equilibrada e justa da despesa corrente".
Crucifixos nas Escolas: Declarações do secretário do conselho permanente da Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa
“esta é uma questão de respeito para com uma dimensão religiosa e cultural dos cidadãos”.
“a Igreja Católica não vai exigir que os Crucifixos permaneçam nas escolas, porque não foi ela quem exigiu que eles lá fossem colocados”.
“Aqui há uma questão de bom senso, em cada comunidade educativa, e não pode haver um grupo de pessoas que se dê à inquisição das escolas que têm ou não crucifixos para denunciar esse facto ao Ministério”
“que se tenha em conta a realidade das comunidades educativas, os problemas que lá existem ou não, o que levará a que se respeitem, retirem ou acrescentem símbolos religiosos”.
“As pessoas devem habituar-se a viver na tolerância, num verdadeiro regime de laicidade, que é um regime de respeito para com os sistemas religiosos e não de apagamento dos seus símbolos, como parece ser o sistema laicista”
Jerónimo: um presidente deve ter opinião sobre as as autoestradas sem custos para o utilizador (SCUTs); mas o verdadeiro problema é o "garrote ao investimento provocado pelo Plano de Estabilidade e Crescimento.
Cavaco: existem problemas mais importantes para o próximo presidente focar a atenção mas deve ser explicado que, no futuro, terão ser aumentados os impostos ou cortadas despesas sociais.
Cavaco: não viu o estudo de custo-benefício do TGV mas, dado que o Governo diz que existe, concorda com o investimento desde que deixe recursos disponíveis para outros investimentos.
Jerónimo: preocupado com a ferrovia tradicional que Governos anteriores (inclusive os do candidato Cavaco) reduziram, nas últimas décadas, 1.000 km de linhas.
Cavaco: orgulho pessoal no benefícios fiscais concedidos à AutoEuropa; não vê problemas para que o mesmo seja realizado no investimento de uma refinaria de Sines.
Jerónimo: a nova refinaria não pode fazer concorrência à refinaria de Matosinhos.
Cavaco: é necessário fazer face à estagnação económica mas preferia que não fosse alterada a lei laboral; não acredita na necessidade de maior flexibilização desta.
Jerónimo: o problema da Segurança Social é a má redistribuição da riqueza, que é canalizada para os "grandes grupos económicos"; Nota: os grupos económicos, além dos milhares de empregos criados, estão cotados na bolsa de valores em que milhares de pequenos investidores investem.
Francisco Louçã afirmou Domingo último que, ao ser eleito presidente da República, demitiria Alberto João Jardim do cargo de presidente do governo regional da Madeira, caso este perturbe gravemente o funcionamento das instituições democráticas. Esta tomada de posição do líder do Bloco de Esquerda diz tudo. Ela deixa transparecer uma argumentação perita em se camuflar no redondo das palavras, escondendo a real intenção do que se pretende dizer. Louçã afirma que demite (porque se enquadra dentro dos poderes do presidente), mas estabelece as condições que só ele conhece e, naturalmente, poderá avaliar.
Atentemos neste pormenor: Em Julho de 2004, Louçã entendia que Santana Lopes não devia ser primeiro-ministro, por não ter sido eleito. Abusando da ignorância da maioria relativamente ao sistema político vigente, polemizou a questão, chantageou o sistema e esclareceu ser a sua, a única atitude democrática. Agora, vira o prato. Não quer saber do valor do voto, esquece a vontade popular e faz depender a continuidade no cargo de quem foi eleito do seu capricho do que entende venha a ser perturbar gravemente o funcionamento das instituições democráticas. No espaço de ano e meio, defende resultados diferentes, mas assume-se como portador da mesma arma política: A democracia. Sucede que Louçã nunca foi democrata. Nunca acreditou na única democracia possível: A representativa. A única forma de democracia que cria defesas à livre discricionariedade de um político e nos garante segurança. É por estas e por outras que Louçã utiliza a democracia como uma arma de arremesso. Por isso assume a autoridade moral de quem nos olha nos olhos, mas não deixa que lhe façamos o mesmo. Acusa, para não ser acusado. Ataca, para jamais estar à defensiva. Desconfia, para nunca estar sob suspeita. Interroga, para não ser questionado.
Dr. Louçã: Basta! Basta de mentira sob a capa da verdade; de ingenuidade quando o que há é experiência; espanto, quando vemos perspicácia. Basta de impunidade. E para chegue é indispensável desmontar o discurso do Bloco. Jogar no mesmo campo, mesmo que sem idênticas armas. Desmontar o discurso político de Francisco Louçã tornou-se uma prioridade absoluta.
Por uma teoria não física e não matemática das ciências sociais
O JM explicou muito bem o subjectivismo da teoria austríaca, mas discordo dele quando defende a a impossibilidade de uma teoria não física e não matemática das ciências sociais e julgo que a propria nocao austriaca de subjectivismo (em qualquer das suas tres principais versoes: Mises, Menger-Hayek e Lachmann) aponta nesse sentido. Para uma boa introducao ao tema recomendo Mathematics and Economic Analysis, por William Anderson.
What is the problem, then, of using math for economics, and why are Austrians opposed to such a methodology? In a word, math is not an appropriate tool to describe human action. As Mises and Rothbard often pointed out, one cannot quantify human action. This does not mean that people do not engage in activity in which mathematics is not important, but rather that we cannot accurately use math to describe how humans behave.###
Take the simple "Lagrangian Multiplier" that we use in basic graduate-school economics to "explain" consumer behavior. Here, economists construct an equation in which one’s utility depends upon, say, goods "x" and "y." The ability to accumulate such goods is constrained by one’s income and the prices paid for the goods.
In determining the "optimal" state that the consumer can enjoy, one uses tools of multivariable calculus to reach a point where "equilibrium" is reached. At that point, the marginal utility of good "x" divided by the price of good "x" is equal to the marginal utility of good "y" over the price of that good. (I have not done the mathematical work on this page for obvious reasons.)
The problem here is that this "solution" is nonsense. Utility (or consumer satisfaction) cannot be measured in cardinal terms. There is no way to take a cardinal measure of someone’s satisfaction. I can say that I like chocolate more than vanilla, but I cannot put that preference in cardinal numbers. An attempt to do so is nothing short of an exercise in fraud.
When asked why they engage in such activities, economists usually admit that they cannot take cardinal measures of individual utility, nor can they compare the utility of one individual to another in cardinal terms. However, they then do it anyway, saying that while their activities are technically wrong, they pass the "market test" in economic analysis. People, they add, will "act as though they are engaging in measurement of cardinal utility," even if they really are not. In other words, even if something is not true, we pretend that it is true and act accordingly.
In using mathematics as the main tool for advancing economic thought, economists must operate on the assumption that human action adheres to a constant mathematical formula. While, as Rothbard and Mises note, that might be appropriate for the physical sciences, it is not appropriate when describing how humans behave.
This is not to say that the use of logic is inappropriate in economic science. Indeed, the Austrian methodology draws heavily upon logical inferences in deducing economic science from the initial observation that people act. Furthermore, mathematics is a branch of logic.
Um bom post do JM a explicar o subjectivismo da teoria austríaca, um conceito que parece simples mas cuja essencia e' muitas vezes dificil de compreender, talvez por se situar entre dois extremos mais "intuitivos": o objectivismo dos classicos (comum tanto a Smith como a Marx) e o relativismo dos pos-modernos (que mais nao fazem do que repescar velhas formas cepticismo radical, ainda por cima sem a elegancia destas...).
The problem is not would-be theocrats. The problem is the growing number of citizens who know next to nothing about the contribution of faith to democratic government. Students hear about Thomas Jefferson's "wall of separation" between church and state, but never learn that during his presidency church services were held in the U.S. Treasury, the Congress, and inside the Supreme Court chambers. As James Hutson, chief of the manuscript division of the Library of Congress, summarizes it: "It's no exaggeration to say that, on Sundays in Washington during Thomas Jefferson's presidency, the state became the church."
Although unorthodox in his own beliefs, Jefferson was typical of the Founders in this sense: He considered religion, especially Christianity, essential to democracy. The consensus of America's greatest political generation was that self-government required citizens of virtue, and virtue depended largely on religious belief. James Madison extolled Christianity as a "precious gift" to the young nation, while George Washington considered religion and morality "indispensable supports" to republican government. John Adams used his inaugural address to remind Americans that "a decent respect for Christianity [was] among the best recommendations for public service."
Christmas is being purged from our culture at an ever-accelerating pace.
Christmas parades have been replaced by Winterfests. Schools frown on Christmas decorations. Cities and towns have rechristened the municipal Christmas tree a "community tree." You'd have an easier time setting up a nativity scene in Saudi Arabia than in most public parks. And sales clerks wish us a "Happy Holiday!" -- as if we all celebrated something called "holiday."
The secularist assault on Christmas (unwittingly aided by the perpetually aggrieved and sensitivity-whipped) is one front in the war on America's Judeo-Christian heritage.
The militantly secularist Anti-Defamation League was shocked by the results of a poll it recently commissioned, indicating that 64% of Americans believe "religion is under attack" in this nation. (Among evangelical and charismatic Christians, that figure is 80%.)
The Right to Be Wrong: Ending the Culture War Over Religion in America
"On the one hand there are... Pilgrims ... people who want to use the state to coerce the religious consciences of those with whom they disagree...
On the other hand there are the Park Rangers... They come out in force at the holidays. Controversies over Christmas Nativity scenes and Hanukkah menorahs have, of course, become a yearly ritual...All religion, they insist, must be purely private. And just why is that? ...belief in absolute truth...inevitably produces coercion...In other words, only uncertainty can save us from the killing fields. The only good religion is a relativist one.
What to do, then, with all those recalcitrant religions that insist they really do possess the truth? ...Push them out of public life and keep them as culturally marginal as possible. Replace all that messy competition with a wrinkle-free, synthetic, one-size-fits-all culture. As we’ll see, that’s literally inhuman.
It’s also self-defeating. It doesn’t resolve the culture war; it enflames it...(The Park Rangers’ position is counterproductive in a subtler way as well...truth claims about ourselves are what human rights are based on. Barring such truth claims in the name of freedom is like sawing off the limb you’re sitting on.)
...Either way [Pilgrims' or Park Rangers'], religious freedom suffers. But it, and we, suffer from the ongoing struggle as well. Must this be? Not if we can rise above the impasse.
It is perhaps America’s most enduring myth: The Pilgrims came here looking for religious freedom, found it, and we all lived happily ever after.
They weren’t. They didn’t. We haven’t.
As we’ll see, the Pilgrims actually came here looking mostly for real estate. They were a quirky, if courageous little band of religious separatists. And like religious separatists before them and since—from the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the monks of the Egyptian desert to the Amish of today—they wanted nothing so much as to be left alone to live in their own world according to their own vision of the truth. They came to America not because it offered freedom for all but simply because it offered a refuge for them.
The problem was, other people kept showing up. Even aboard the Mayflower there were the “strangers,” whom the Pilgrims’ English investors had insisted accompany them. Then, after they’d established Plymouth Colony, more ships brought more strangers. As we’ll also see, the Pilgrims did not respond well to this unplanned pluralism. In fact, they attempted to outlaw it. They set up tax-supported churches and banned competing religious services or cultural displays. They kept dissidents from proselytizing. They had religious tests for public office. And they refused to exempt conscientious objectors, like Quakers, from obeying their laws.
We haven’t lived happily ever after, either. We have, of course, come a long way since the Pilgrims first measured out their stingy servings of tolerance. Nevertheless, the fundamental problem that the Pilgrims and the strangers faced when confronted with each other is still with us: How do you reconcile claims of absolute truth with human freedom in a pluralistic society?
In fact, that problem is not only still with us, it is growing ever more serious as our society grows ever more pluralistic—and as the extremists on both sides grow ever more polarized. It has reached the point where we aptly call the whole imbroglio one of the culture wars.
How to resolve it? We must begin by understanding it. So let’s meet the combatants.
In this corner, wearing the funny hats . . . the Pilgrims
On the one hand there are still many Pilgrims among us, people who want to use the state to coerce the religious consciences of those with whom they disagree. For these latter-day Pilgrims the relationship of truth and freedom seems every bit as straightforward as it did to their namesakes in Plymouth Colony: The truth is, well, true. So how, they demand to know, can they not seek to establish it legally? If they don’t, won’t they be conceding that they harbor some doubts after all? And even if they did succeed in legally establishing the true religion, would that be such a bad thing? Wouldn’t they really just be doing a favor to the not-yet-enlightened by hastening the day when their eyes are opened?
Most Americans instinctively recoil from such logic. We know it can’t be right. We may or may not know how to parse the philosophical mistake involved, but we're sure there must be one in there somewhere. We know that religious truth cannot be embraced authentically unless it is embraced freely. To American ears, the idea that truth is somehow opposed to freedom rings false. Pilgrims are obviously extremists.
And in this corner, wearing the hapless expressions . . . the Park Rangers
But Pilgrims aren’t the only extremists. On the other hand there are the Park Rangers, who insist—even after the tragedies of the last century—that only a society that owns no truth at all can be safe for freedom. For them, the price of freedom for everyone is that no one can be allowed to publicly claim that anything transcendent is absolutely true. Why call them “Park Rangers”? In honor of a particularly memorable example of their zeal. Perry Mason might have called it “The Case of the Sacred Parking Barrier.”
It all began in the Japanese Tea Garden of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park in 1989. The tea garden had long been a particularly well-groomed part of the park, a haven from the stresses of urban life. That year, however, there was a problem. A crane operator had abandoned a traffic or parking barrier at the back of the tea garden. It was a small, bullet-shaped lump of granite that clashed with the ordered nature of the place, an irritant that park-goers periodically tried to have removed. Bureaucrats being what they are, however, the stray parking barrier remained.
It remained, that is, until 1993, when the bureaucrats learned of a New Age group’s interest in it. The New Agers, it seemed, had recognized something significant about the shape of the parking barrier: It resembled a Shiva Lingam, a manifestation of the Hindu god Shiva. What was more, they had come upon it unexpectedly and in a wooded setting, just the way you’re supposed to discover a Shiva Lingam. The little band of believers had rejoiced and begun to worship. In fact, they now came regularly to pray and make offerings of incense and flowers to the stone bullet. All of which greatly alarmed the very same authorities (with a little poetic license, the “Park Rangers”) who had resolutely neglected to remove the traffic barrier as an eyesore. The bureaucrats roused themselves and announced that it was their duty to prevent worship on (not to mention of) public property; the parking barrier had to go.
Whereupon, the New Agers promptly got a lawyer and sued for an order blocking removal of the little granite lump. The case settled two months later, in January 1994. Rather than spend time and money in court, the authorities agreed to give the spare barrier to its devotees, who agreed to pray to it in private, someplace else.
Now, as lawsuits go this was hardly a legal landmark. After all, the parking barrier really was public property and the authorities always were free to do with it as they pleased. As an account of religion in public life, however, the case is something of a parable. If ever there was a religion that was not threatening, either politically or culturally, this had to be it. Nobody could ever have mistaken parking-barrier worship for an officially established religion, even in San Francisco. No one could really have wondered whether it would be politically correct to be seen leaving flowers in front of the thing. Nobody could honestly worry that tax money might be spent on incense for it. In short, this particular piece of religious expression did not remotely threaten to coerce anyone to do anything. What’s more, the tea garden was a public park. If people could come to admire the shrubbery, why couldn't they come to worship the parking barriers?
Because, said the authorities, parking-barrier worship was religion and religion didn’t belong on public property. Religion belonged in private. It was just that simple.
There are many Park Rangers among us, from zoning commissioners to school administrators to . . . actual park rangers. And they all seem to think it’s just that simple. They come out in force at the holidays. Controversies over Christmas Nativity scenes and Hanukkah menorahs have, of course, become a yearly ritual. But the battle lines have moved far beyond them. There are now annual debates over a variety of cultural offerings. Some Park Rangers, stung by criticism that the Easter Bunny isn’t already a secular enough symbol, have made over the little creature as best they can. For example, the public school system in Lansing, Michigan, now offers, in lieu of Easter, a “Breakfast with the Special Bunny.” And, until nearly everyone laughed at it, the public library in Arlington, Virginia, had replaced its annual Easter Egg Hunt with a “Spring Egg Roll.” Other places have banned in-school celebrations of Halloween, on one of two conflicting theories: either because it’s an inappropriately Catholic celebration of All Hallows’ Eve, or else because it's an inappropriately pagan celebration of something else. At least one school system has banned Valentine’s Day because it's named after Saint Valentine. The kids can still send each other notes, though they can't call them valentines. They have to call them “special person cards.”
What drives these people? Some are devout deconstructionists. That is, they are convinced that there really is no such thing as objective truth at all. Most Park Rangers, though, are not. Most, ever so privately, believe in something or other. But they’re Park Rangers still. Why? Because they think that freedom is incompatible with public claims of any religious truth—even their own. All religion, they insist, must be purely private. And just why is that? It’s largely because they’re afraid of the Pilgrims.
To hear the Park Rangers tell it, the West is free because Westerners are mostly easygoing folk, untainted by fanatical devotion to absolute truths. Columnist Andrew Sullivan memorably made this case in his fierce post-9/11 New York Times Magazine cover article, “This Is a Religious War.” Sullivan framed the war against al-Qaeda and other anti-American terrorist groups as a conflict between two kinds of religion: It is “a war of fundamentalism against faiths of all kinds that are at peace with freedom and modernity.” He charged that belief in absolute truth, which he seemed to equate with “fundamentalism,” inevitably produces coercion. “If you believe that there is an eternal afterlife and that endless indescribable torture awaits those who disobey God's law, then it requires no huge stretch of imagination to make sure that you not only conform to each diktat but that you also encourage and, if necessary, coerce others to do the same. . . . In a world of absolute truth, in matters graver than life and death, there is no room for dissent and no room for theological doubt.” In other words, only uncertainty can save us from the killing fields. The only good religion is a relativist one.
What to do, then, with all those recalcitrant religions that insist they really do possess the truth? The Park Rangers’ answer is simple: Push them out of public life and keep them as culturally marginal as possible. Replace all that messy competition with a wrinkle-free, synthetic, one-size-fits-all culture.
As we’ll see, that’s literally inhuman.
It’s also self-defeating. It doesn’t resolve the culture war; it enflames it. It alarms the Pilgrims every bit as much as their sermons frighten the Park Rangers. So both sides take to their direct-mail houses to quote each other and amass bigger war chests by sowing further anxiety. Each ends up being the other’s best fundraiser and worst bogeyman.
(The Park Rangers’ position is counterproductive in a subtler way as well. Barring public truth claims about who God is often morphs into barring public truth claims about who we are. Yet truth claims about ourselves are what human rights are based on. Barring such truth claims in the name of freedom is like sawing off the limb you’re sitting on.)
In short, the Park Rangers’ solution to pluralism is as defective as the Pilgrims’ is. In their drive to prevent theocracy, the Park Rangers end up promoting a society that is insufficiently human—and is at least as divided as the one they’re trying to forestall.
This Way Out
It sometimes seems we are condemned to an endless tug-of-war between Pilgrims and Park Rangers and we dare not let either side win. If the Pilgrims prevail, both freedom of conscience and civil society diminish. We will have once again the gray hypocrisy of government-imposed orthodoxy. If the Park Rangers win, we risk having only the sort of temporary, politically based religious liberty that has proven so inadequate throughout much of the world. And we will certainly have a vapid public culture. We will be nervous for our rights in the midst of one vast, unending Breakfast with the Special Bunny.
Either way, religious freedom suffers. But it, and we, suffer from the ongoing struggle as well. Must this be? Not if we can rise above the impasse. To do this, we must be able to guarantee a robust religious freedom for all—and not just for some—and base it on something that’s undeniable to both Pilgrims and Park Rangers. That is, we must ground religious freedom for all in something more universally convincing than the parochial truth claims of the Pilgrims, but do it without contradicting those truth claims. We must guarantee the Park Rangers (and everyone else) their freedom of conscience, grounding it in something far firmer than just their own anxieties, while not unduly aggravating those anxieties. That is our challenge and also the subject of this book.
We’ll approach it by considering a series of stories. In the rest of Part One, we’ll highlight the big questions of religious liberty by telling the stories of the early colonists’ blunders—some earnest, some hapless, some funny, and some tragic. They shed light on the origins of pluralism and the tension between conscience and community, on the question of religious expression in public culture, on the perennial controversy over proselytism, and on the issue of conscientious objection to law. We’ll end Part One with stories of the best idea that the colonies came up with to deal with those questions—and how it wasn’t then, and isn’t now, good enough. That is, we’ll see why tolerance, as nice as it sounds, has always been an inadequate basis for religious liberty.
In Part Two, we’ll tell the story of how an inkling grew into an idea and then lost its way. The story begins with the adventures, and misadventures, of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson as they started to argue for a religious freedom based on human nature. The story continues with tales of the compromises that crept in as religious liberty was then codified in the United States Constitution. It ends with the religious riots and legalized persecutions that followed.
In Part Three, we’ll return to first principles and propose an updated model of religious liberty that both remains faithful to its origins and transcends the extremists’ running feud. It points the way to a pluralism both honest and untidy, but firmly grounded. And we’ll tell some good stories there, too.
Throughout, we’ll maintain a running critique of the Pilgrims and the Park Rangers among us. (We just have to refute them; we don’t have to make them comfortable.)
We’ll start with the story of the arguments aboard the Mayflower, for the light it sheds on where pluralism comes from. So the saga really does begin with the Pilgrims after all. But it begins with the real Pilgrims, not the mythical ones."On the one hand there are... Pilgrims ... people who want to use the state to coerce the religious consciences of those with whom they disagree...
On the other hand there are the Park Rangers... They come out in force at the holidays. Controversies over Christmas Nativity scenes and Hanukkah menorahs have, of course, become a yearly ritual...All religion, they insist, must be purely private. And just why is that? ...belief in absolute truth...inevitably produces coercion...In other words, only uncertainty can save us from the killing fields. The only good religion is a relativist one.
What to do, then, with all those recalcitrant religions that insist they really do possess the truth? ...Push them out of public life and keep them as culturally marginal as possible. Replace all that messy competition with a wrinkle-free, synthetic, one-size-fits-all culture. As we’ll see, that’s literally inhuman.
It’s also self-defeating. It doesn’t resolve the culture war; it enflames it...(The Park Rangers’ position is counterproductive in a subtler way as well...truth claims about ourselves are what human rights are based on. Barring such truth claims in the name of freedom is like sawing off the limb you’re sitting on.)
...Either way [Pilgrims' or Park Rangers'], religious freedom suffers. But it, and we, suffer from the ongoing struggle as well. Must this be? Not if we can rise above the impasse.
It is perhaps America’s most enduring myth: The Pilgrims came here looking for religious freedom, found it, and we all lived happily ever after.
They weren’t. They didn’t. We haven’t.
As we’ll see, the Pilgrims actually came here looking mostly for real estate. They were a quirky, if courageous little band of religious separatists. And like religious separatists before them and since—from the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the monks of the Egyptian desert to the Amish of today—they wanted nothing so much as to be left alone to live in their own world according to their own vision of the truth. They came to America not because it offered freedom for all but simply because it offered a refuge for them.
The problem was, other people kept showing up. Even aboard the Mayflower there were the “strangers,” whom the Pilgrims’ English investors had insisted accompany them. Then, after they’d established Plymouth Colony, more ships brought more strangers. As we’ll also see, the Pilgrims did not respond well to this unplanned pluralism. In fact, they attempted to outlaw it. They set up tax-supported churches and banned competing religious services or cultural displays. They kept dissidents from proselytizing. They had religious tests for public office. And they refused to exempt conscientious objectors, like Quakers, from obeying their laws.
We haven’t lived happily ever after, either. We have, of course, come a long way since the Pilgrims first measured out their stingy servings of tolerance. Nevertheless, the fundamental problem that the Pilgrims and the strangers faced when confronted with each other is still with us: How do you reconcile claims of absolute truth with human freedom in a pluralistic society?
In fact, that problem is not only still with us, it is growing ever more serious as our society grows ever more pluralistic—and as the extremists on both sides grow ever more polarized. It has reached the point where we aptly call the whole imbroglio one of the culture wars.
How to resolve it? We must begin by understanding it. So let’s meet the combatants.
In this corner, wearing the funny hats . . . the Pilgrims
On the one hand there are still many Pilgrims among us, people who want to use the state to coerce the religious consciences of those with whom they disagree. For these latter-day Pilgrims the relationship of truth and freedom seems every bit as straightforward as it did to their namesakes in Plymouth Colony: The truth is, well, true. So how, they demand to know, can they not seek to establish it legally? If they don’t, won’t they be conceding that they harbor some doubts after all? And even if they did succeed in legally establishing the true religion, would that be such a bad thing? Wouldn’t they really just be doing a favor to the not-yet-enlightened by hastening the day when their eyes are opened?
Most Americans instinctively recoil from such logic. We know it can’t be right. We may or may not know how to parse the philosophical mistake involved, but we're sure there must be one in there somewhere. We know that religious truth cannot be embraced authentically unless it is embraced freely. To American ears, the idea that truth is somehow opposed to freedom rings false. Pilgrims are obviously extremists.
And in this corner, wearing the hapless expressions . . . the Park Rangers
But Pilgrims aren’t the only extremists. On the other hand there are the Park Rangers, who insist—even after the tragedies of the last century—that only a society that owns no truth at all can be safe for freedom. For them, the price of freedom for everyone is that no one can be allowed to publicly claim that anything transcendent is absolutely true. Why call them “Park Rangers”? In honor of a particularly memorable example of their zeal. Perry Mason might have called it “The Case of the Sacred Parking Barrier.”
It all began in the Japanese Tea Garden of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park in 1989. The tea garden had long been a particularly well-groomed part of the park, a haven from the stresses of urban life. That year, however, there was a problem. A crane operator had abandoned a traffic or parking barrier at the back of the tea garden. It was a small, bullet-shaped lump of granite that clashed with the ordered nature of the place, an irritant that park-goers periodically tried to have removed. Bureaucrats being what they are, however, the stray parking barrier remained.
It remained, that is, until 1993, when the bureaucrats learned of a New Age group’s interest in it. The New Agers, it seemed, had recognized something significant about the shape of the parking barrier: It resembled a Shiva Lingam, a manifestation of the Hindu god Shiva. What was more, they had come upon it unexpectedly and in a wooded setting, just the way you’re supposed to discover a Shiva Lingam. The little band of believers had rejoiced and begun to worship. In fact, they now came regularly to pray and make offerings of incense and flowers to the stone bullet. All of which greatly alarmed the very same authorities (with a little poetic license, the “Park Rangers”) who had resolutely neglected to remove the traffic barrier as an eyesore. The bureaucrats roused themselves and announced that it was their duty to prevent worship on (not to mention of) public property; the parking barrier had to go.
Whereupon, the New Agers promptly got a lawyer and sued for an order blocking removal of the little granite lump. The case settled two months later, in January 1994. Rather than spend time and money in court, the authorities agreed to give the spare barrier to its devotees, who agreed to pray to it in private, someplace else.
Now, as lawsuits go this was hardly a legal landmark. After all, the parking barrier really was public property and the authorities always were free to do with it as they pleased. As an account of religion in public life, however, the case is something of a parable. If ever there was a religion that was not threatening, either politically or culturally, this had to be it. Nobody could ever have mistaken parking-barrier worship for an officially established religion, even in San Francisco. No one could really have wondered whether it would be politically correct to be seen leaving flowers in front of the thing. Nobody could honestly worry that tax money might be spent on incense for it. In short, this particular piece of religious expression did not remotely threaten to coerce anyone to do anything. What’s more, the tea garden was a public park. If people could come to admire the shrubbery, why couldn't they come to worship the parking barriers?
Because, said the authorities, parking-barrier worship was religion and religion didn’t belong on public property. Religion belonged in private. It was just that simple.
There are many Park Rangers among us, from zoning commissioners to school administrators to . . . actual park rangers. And they all seem to think it’s just that simple. They come out in force at the holidays. Controversies over Christmas Nativity scenes and Hanukkah menorahs have, of course, become a yearly ritual. But the battle lines have moved far beyond them. There are now annual debates over a variety of cultural offerings. Some Park Rangers, stung by criticism that the Easter Bunny isn’t already a secular enough symbol, have made over the little creature as best they can. For example, the public school system in Lansing, Michigan, now offers, in lieu of Easter, a “Breakfast with the Special Bunny.” And, until nearly everyone laughed at it, the public library in Arlington, Virginia, had replaced its annual Easter Egg Hunt with a “Spring Egg Roll.” Other places have banned in-school celebrations of Halloween, on one of two conflicting theories: either because it’s an inappropriately Catholic celebration of All Hallows’ Eve, or else because it's an inappropriately pagan celebration of something else. At least one school system has banned Valentine’s Day because it's named after Saint Valentine. The kids can still send each other notes, though they can't call them valentines. They have to call them “special person cards.”
What drives these people? Some are devout deconstructionists. That is, they are convinced that there really is no such thing as objective truth at all. Most Park Rangers, though, are not. Most, ever so privately, believe in something or other. But they’re Park Rangers still. Why? Because they think that freedom is incompatible with public claims of any religious truth—even their own. All religion, they insist, must be purely private. And just why is that? It’s largely because they’re afraid of the Pilgrims.
To hear the Park Rangers tell it, the West is free because Westerners are mostly easygoing folk, untainted by fanatical devotion to absolute truths. Columnist Andrew Sullivan memorably made this case in his fierce post-9/11 New York Times Magazine cover article, “This Is a Religious War.” Sullivan framed the war against al-Qaeda and other anti-American terrorist groups as a conflict between two kinds of religion: It is “a war of fundamentalism against faiths of all kinds that are at peace with freedom and modernity.” He charged that belief in absolute truth, which he seemed to equate with “fundamentalism,” inevitably produces coercion. “If you believe that there is an eternal afterlife and that endless indescribable torture awaits those who disobey God's law, then it requires no huge stretch of imagination to make sure that you not only conform to each diktat but that you also encourage and, if necessary, coerce others to do the same. . . . In a world of absolute truth, in matters graver than life and death, there is no room for dissent and no room for theological doubt.” In other words, only uncertainty can save us from the killing fields. The only good religion is a relativist one.
What to do, then, with all those recalcitrant religions that insist they really do possess the truth? The Park Rangers’ answer is simple: Push them out of public life and keep them as culturally marginal as possible. Replace all that messy competition with a wrinkle-free, synthetic, one-size-fits-all culture.
As we’ll see, that’s literally inhuman.
It’s also self-defeating. It doesn’t resolve the culture war; it enflames it. It alarms the Pilgrims every bit as much as their sermons frighten the Park Rangers. So both sides take to their direct-mail houses to quote each other and amass bigger war chests by sowing further anxiety. Each ends up being the other’s best fundraiser and worst bogeyman.
(The Park Rangers’ position is counterproductive in a subtler way as well. Barring public truth claims about who God is often morphs into barring public truth claims about who we are. Yet truth claims about ourselves are what human rights are based on. Barring such truth claims in the name of freedom is like sawing off the limb you’re sitting on.)
In short, the Park Rangers’ solution to pluralism is as defective as the Pilgrims’ is. In their drive to prevent theocracy, the Park Rangers end up promoting a society that is insufficiently human—and is at least as divided as the one they’re trying to forestall.
This Way Out
It sometimes seems we are condemned to an endless tug-of-war between Pilgrims and Park Rangers and we dare not let either side win. If the Pilgrims prevail, both freedom of conscience and civil society diminish. We will have once again the gray hypocrisy of government-imposed orthodoxy. If the Park Rangers win, we risk having only the sort of temporary, politically based religious liberty that has proven so inadequate throughout much of the world. And we will certainly have a vapid public culture. We will be nervous for our rights in the midst of one vast, unending Breakfast with the Special Bunny.
Either way, religious freedom suffers. But it, and we, suffer from the ongoing struggle as well. Must this be? Not if we can rise above the impasse. To do this, we must be able to guarantee a robust religious freedom for all—and not just for some—and base it on something that’s undeniable to both Pilgrims and Park Rangers. That is, we must ground religious freedom for all in something more universally convincing than the parochial truth claims of the Pilgrims, but do it without contradicting those truth claims. We must guarantee the Park Rangers (and everyone else) their freedom of conscience, grounding it in something far firmer than just their own anxieties, while not unduly aggravating those anxieties. That is our challenge and also the subject of this book.
We’ll approach it by considering a series of stories. In the rest of Part One, we’ll highlight the big questions of religious liberty by telling the stories of the early colonists’ blunders—some earnest, some hapless, some funny, and some tragic. They shed light on the origins of pluralism and the tension between conscience and community, on the question of religious expression in public culture, on the perennial controversy over proselytism, and on the issue of conscientious objection to law. We’ll end Part One with stories of the best idea that the colonies came up with to deal with those questions—and how it wasn’t then, and isn’t now, good enough. That is, we’ll see why tolerance, as nice as it sounds, has always been an inadequate basis for religious liberty.
In Part Two, we’ll tell the story of how an inkling grew into an idea and then lost its way. The story begins with the adventures, and misadventures, of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson as they started to argue for a religious freedom based on human nature. The story continues with tales of the compromises that crept in as religious liberty was then codified in the United States Constitution. It ends with the religious riots and legalized persecutions that followed.
In Part Three, we’ll return to first principles and propose an updated model of religious liberty that both remains faithful to its origins and transcends the extremists’ running feud. It points the way to a pluralism both honest and untidy, but firmly grounded. And we’ll tell some good stories there, too.
Throughout, we’ll maintain a running critique of the Pilgrims and the Park Rangers among us. (We just have to refute them; we don’t have to make them comfortable.)
We’ll start with the story of the arguments aboard the Mayflower, for the light it sheds on where pluralism comes from. So the saga really does begin with the Pilgrims after all. But it begins with the real Pilgrims, not the mythical ones.
O totalitarismo islâmico, mesmo minoritário no continente europeu, já se sente com força para tentar impor aos povos que os acolhem a intolerância que demonstram contra todos que não pensam como eles (eles sentem-se com força porque há por aí uns iluminados multiculturalistas e amantes de diversidades, para além de uma mãozinha da extrema-esquerda, que pensam que tudo é relativo).
Agora o caso passou-se em Saint-Genis-Pouilly, em França, mas bem junto à Suíça, em que organizações muçulmanas e a própria mesquita de Genebra, quiserem impedir a representação da Le Fanatisme ou Mahomet le prophète de Voltaire. Se as autoridades não cederam ao politicamente correcto desta vez, mesmo assim houve incidentes durante a representação da peça.
E, ainda há para aí uns outros iluminados que andam preocupados com um alegado fundamentalismo católico! Devem estar a precisar de óculos.
Em Maio de 2005, os encargos do Estado com as auto-estradas sem custos para o utilizador (SCUT) rondavam os 17 mil milhões de euros, segundo um relatório do Tribunal de Contas, que alerta para a possibilidade deste valor ser ultrapassado.
As receitas de bilheteira são manifestamente insuficientes para cobrir os custos operacionais do Metro de Lisboa e o esforço financeiro anual do Estado ultrapassa largamente o que tem sido assumido e orçamentado, segundo o Tribunal de Contas.
De acordo com uma auditoria do Tribunal de Contas (TC), hoje divulgada, o «défice crónico» do Metro de Lisboa (ML) resulta, em parte, de um «desajustamento tarifário que persiste por imperativo de uma política social definida pelo Governo».
Não peço que Joana Amaral Dias seja um homem à séria (e até seria uma pena, diga-se), mas Soares podia ter outra atitude face aos ataques que sofre. Soares e os seus apoiantes. O estilo de vítima é muito ridículo. Faz-me lembrar, que pagode, quando os senhores do Bloco de Esquerda levaram no toutiço da Guarda Civil Espanhola. Lá estava Louçã, homem libertador de um povo oprimido, a gritar, entre uma bastonada e outra, “nós somos deputados, nós somos deputados”. Como se o povo miserável pudesse levar no focinho, mas um deputado já podia sair impune. Louçã nunca me enganou, só os tolos acreditam na veracidade daquele embuste. O limite da igualdade ultrapassa-se com um “sou deputado, sou deputado”.
Aparentemente, para o PPM, resistir à guerra laicista contra o Natal e o cristianismo é "fundamentalismo religioso". Passa também por aqui o triste estado da direita portuguesa, em que mesmo alguns dos seus mais destacados representantes e opinion-makers se submetem integralmente ao politicamente correcto.
Leitura recomendada:
Yes, Virginia, there is a war on Christmas. It’s the secularization of America’s favorite holiday and the ever-stronger push toward a neutered "holiday" season so that non-Christians won’t be even the slightest bit offended.
Traditionalists get upset when they’re told—more and more these days—that celebrating Christmas in any public way is a violation of church and state separation. That is certainly not what the founders intended when they wrote, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
John Gibson, a popular anchor for the Fox News Channel, has been digging up evidence about the liberal activists, lawyers, politicians, educators, and media people who are leading the war on Christmas. And he reveals that the situation is worse than you can imagine.### For instance:
• In Illinois, state government workers were forbidden from saying the words "Merry Christmas" while at work • In Rhode Island, local officials banned Christians from participating in a public project to decorate the lawn of City Hall • A New Jersey school banned even instrumental versions of traditional Christmas carols • Arizona school officials ruled it unconstitutional for a student to make any reference to the religious history of Christmas in a class project
Millions of Americans are starting to fight back against the secularist forces and against local officials who would rather surrender than be seen as politically incorrect. Gibson shows readers how they can help save Christmas from being twisted beyond recognition, with even the slightest reference to Jesus completely disappearing.
The annual debate will be hotter than ever in 2005, and this book will be perfect for everyone who’s pro-Christmas.