O caso Salam Daher e a Associated Press como meio de propaganda
O famoso Green Helmet Guy (Salam Daher) admite encenações para fotógrafos com cadáveres de crianças:
The 20-year veteran civil defense worker said he shows dead children to photographers to make clear that Israeli airstrikes killed young Lebanese during the monthlong conflict. Some Internet bloggers have accused him of setting up photos and of treating the dead insensitively.
(via LGF)
In one photograph, taken after an Israeli airstrike hit a building in the village of Qana, Daher held a dead infant over his head. The boy’s blue pacifier was pinned to his nightshirt.
“I did hold the baby up, but I was saying ‘look at who the Israelis are killing. They are children,’” Daher said. “These are not fighters. They have no guns. They are children, civilians they are killing.’ ”
He said he had no regrets and he made no apologies. “I wanted people to see who was dying. They said they were killing fighters. They killed children.”
Muito mais sobre a manipulação das fotografias publicadas nos media de todo o mundo no EU Referendum.
por André Azevedo Alves @ 8/16/2006 02:56:00 da tarde
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