
Jihad no Canadá

Terror raid in Canada rolls up 17 jihadis
Toronto's top cop urges calm after arrests
Plan to 'behead' PM
Imam: Canada Suspects Didn't Seek Violence
Canada faces 'jihad generation'

As opiniões:
From isolation can come rage
Canadian Blindness to Terror
Time to challenge Muslim extremists
Moderate Western Muslims, speak up!
The Muslim Canadian Congress fared only a tad bit better. They praised the police, and expressed dismay that members of their community might be guilty as charged. And then they managed to blame President Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and even Harper for the fact that any such terror cells might exist. So far, only the Council on American-Islamic Relations Canada (CAIR-CAN) has managed to issue a condemnation of terror, and praise of the police, without tacking on a "but," a "Bush," or a "Canadian troops in Afghanistan."
I was happily surprised at CAIR-CAN's press release. I shouldn't have been. We must expect that Western Muslims will wholeheartedly condemn Islamofascism, without any conditions placed on that condemnation. Without that, we may reach a point of divisions too deep to mend.