Twelve Danish cartoonists whose pictures sparked such outcry have gone into hiding under round-the-clock protection, fearing for their lives.Os fundamentalistas islâmicos não conseguiram impedir a publicação dos 12 cartoons mas, ajudados pelo silêncio e subserviência dos governos ocidentais, "calaram" muitas vozes futuras.
The cartoonists, many of whom had reservations about the pictures, have been shocked by how the affair has escalated into a global “clash of civilisations”. They have since tried, unsuccessfully, to stop them being reprinted.
A spokesman for the cartoonists said: “They are in hiding around Denmark. Some of them are really, really scared. They don’t want to see the pictures reprinted all over the world. We couldn’t stop it. We tried, but we couldn’t.”
(Times Online, via Jihad Watch)
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