
Think Again

"Radical Islamists want nothing less than the restoration of Islamic sovereignty to all lands where Muslims were once ascendant, including Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Hungary, Sicily, Spain, and even parts of France.
Terrorists are not always poor and prosperity does not end terrorism. In fact, in the world’s 50 poorest countries, there is little terrorism. It is too soon to dismiss socio-economic conditions completely, but studies have generally found that terrorists tend not to be from societies’ most deprived groups. Instead, terrorists are generally well educated and unlikely to be poor.
Support for terrorism feeds on the belief that large segments of the Muslim world are victims of ongoing injustice. Some experts argue, with justification, that the perception of threats to Islam is deliberately cultivated by Islamist political groups and authoritarian Muslim governments to generate support for their agenda.
The freedom of speech and association allowed in Europe and North America enables radical Islamists to publish and organize without government intervention, a right they are denied in most Muslim countries."

C. Christine Fair, Husain Haqqani: "Think Again: Islamist Terrorism"

(via Foreign Policy)

Diante do crescente impacto do terrorismo islâmico sobre o Ocidente, é necessário compreender cada aspecto do fenômeno para delinear melhores estratégias de segurança e levar a cabo, com sucesso, operações de contra-terrorismo.

A desinformação é uma arma preciosa nas mãos de terroristas e simpatizantes. Não basta pensar criticamente, a base conceitual tem que ser sólida, e é justamente sobre os conceitos fundamentais que a prática de desinformação funciona. As pessoas são induzidas a raciocinarem a partir de princípios manipulados, fatos históricos tergiversados e dados falsificados.

O terrorismo islâmico conta com a ignorância para alcançar seus objetivos.