Kirzner (II)
Alguns links sobre Israel Kirzner
Curriculum Vitae (NYU)
biografia na Wikipedia
"The Economic Point of View: An Essay in the History of Economic Thought" (1960)
"The Economics of Errant Entrepreneurs" (1987)
"Fifty Years of FEE - Fifty Years of Progress Austrian Economics" (1996)
"The Open Endedness of Knowledge: It's the Role in the FEE Formula" (1986)
"Philip Wicksteed: The British Austrian" (1996)
"Reflections on the Misesian Legacy in Economics" (1996)
"The Economic Calculation Debate: Lessons for Austrians" (1988)
"Mises and His Understanding of the Capitalist System" (1999)
"El Empresario" (em espanhol)
"La Escuela Austríaca de economía: presente y futuro" (em espanhol)
"Producer, Entrepreneur, and the Right to Property" (1974)
"La función del empresario y el desarrollo" (em espanhol)(1996)
"Ciencia económica y la moralidad del capitalismo: mito y realidad" (em espanhol)(1996)
"En defensa del mercado" (em espanhol)(1997)
"La naturaleza e importancia de la educación económica" (em espamnhol) (1998)
"La Ley de la Oferta y la Demanda" (em espanhol) (2000)
"The Use of Labels in Doctrinal History: Comment on Baird" (1990)
"Between Mises and Keynes"
"The Undiscontible Professor Kirzner" por Roger Garrison (critica a "Essays on Capital and Interest: An Austrian Perspective" de Kirzner)
"Equilibrium and Entrepreneurship" por Roger Garrisson
"Competição e Empreendimento" por Miguel Noronha
por Miguel Noronha @ 9/12/2005 10:38:00 da tarde
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