Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. - James Bovard
Continua a saga dos canalizadores polacos
Desta vez são os sindicatos dinamarqueses que se queixam que os trabalhadores polacos estão dispostos a trabalhar por um valor inferior ao salário mínimo (EUobserver):
They argue that the Danish labour model is being undermined but their opponents believe that the Danish trade union model itself undermines the EU principle of freedom of movement.
No ano passado foram os suecos a queixarem-se dos trabalhadores letões:
Latvia's minister of finance Krisjanis Karins hinted in Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter last week that the Scandinavian collective agreements created artificially high pay levels.(...) "The service trade in the EU is limited, and it is a form of protectionism. If we should protect the Swedish model, we should look at the social model of the whole of EU", Mr Karins indicated.
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