Privados são mais seguros
Via LvMI, um relatório do congresso americano concluiu que a segurança privada dos aeroportos é melhor que a estatal:The Government Accountability Office found statistically significant evidence that passenger screeners, who work at five airports under a pilot program, perform better than their federal counterparts at some 450 airports, Rep. John Mica, R-Fla. and chairman of the House aviation subcommittee, said on Tuesday.
Podem ler o resto da notícia aqui.
After the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, Congress ordered every commercial airport but five to switch from privately employed screeners to a government work force.
The five exceptions - in San Francisco; Tupelo, Miss.; Rochester, N.Y.; Kansas City, Mo.; and Jackson Hole, Wyo. - all have private workers supervised by Transportation Security Administration officials.
por BrainstormZ @ 4/20/2005 07:39:00 da tarde
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