
J.M. Barroso e sus muchachos - os ultra-neo-liberais

Via Telegraph:

Once the bastion of Franco-German corporatism, the European Commission is now slipping ever further under the control of "Thatcherites".
Jose Manuel Barroso, the Commission's president, yesterday purged the Brussels machine, picking a free-market radical to run the 22,000-strong civil service.(...)Mr Barroso, a Maoist turned free-market crusader, is determined to bring Brussels back to its core task of fostering prosperity. As a down payment, he has begun a "bonfire of the diktats", scrapping 60 pending EU laws that have no obvious value. All ideas of tax harmonisation have long since been abandoned.(...)
Emboldened by the shifting balance of ideological power, Mr Barroso yesterday dared to pick Ireland's Catherine Day to be the new secretary-general. An ultra-liberal, she is famed in Brussels for her sparring matches with the ageing Ayatollahs.(...)To cap it all, a British EU trade commissioner, Peter Mandelson, is using his vast discretionary powers to offer a 39pc cut in farm tariffs and at total phase-out of export subsidies in global trade talks.

Via Le Figaro:

Orchestré par José Manuel Barroso depuis plusieurs mois, sous l'oeil inquiet des Etats membres, ce vaste jeu de chaises musicales entérine la perte d'influence de la France à Bruxelles et confirme la montée en puissance des Anglo-Saxons et des libéraux.(...)
Déjà très influents dans l'équipe Barroso, où ils détiennent les clés du commerce extérieur et du marché intérieur, les Anglo-Saxons confortent leurs positions dans les directions générales, là où se trouve le vrai pouvoir, ce qui donnera à la politique bruxelloise une orientation toujours plus libérale et anglophone.