Better off?
No LRC, um discurso do congressista Ron Paul sobre as consequências da guerra do Iraque:How much better off are the Iraqi people? (...) One hundred thousand dead Iraqis, as estimated by the Lancet Medical Journal, certainly are not better off. Better to be alive under Saddam Hussein than lying in some cold grave.
Ron Paul, do partido Republicano, é - segundo um estudo (PDF) da revista New American - o mais liberal dos congressistas americanos. Infelizmente, uma "espécie" em vias de extinção...
“Are the American people better off because of the Iraq war?”
One thing for sure, the 1,500 plus dead American soldiers aren’t better off. The nearly 20,000 severely injured or sickened American troops are not better off. The families, the wives, the husbands, children, parents, and friends of those who lost so much are not better off.
The families and the 40,000 troops who were forced to re-enlist against their will – a de facto draft – are not feeling better off. They believe they have been deceived by their enlistment agreements.
The American taxpayers are not better off having spent over 200 billion dollars to pursue this war, with billions yet to be spent.
Al Qaeda recruiting has accelerated. Iraq is being used as a training ground for al Qaeda terrorists, which it never was under Hussein’s rule. So as our military recruitment efforts suffer, Osama bin Laden benefits by attracting more terrorist volunteers.
por BrainstormZ @ 4/07/2005 10:47:00 da manhã
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