O (verdadeiro) papel da empresa
O Presidente da Nestlé declarou que ao contrário das teorias pós-modernas de socialistas, alter-globalistas e (mesmo) alguns gestores o verdadeiro papel da empresa é criar valor para os accionistas e produtos para os seus clientes-alvo. Finalmente alguém se assume contra a constante demonização da empresas, do seu objectivo lucrativo e da constante intromissão de estranhos na sua gestão.
(via Tempestade Cerebral)
###Companies shouldn't feel obligated to "give back" to the community, because they haven't taken anything away, the Austrian-born chief of the world's largest food company told local executives yesterday.
(...) Peter Brabeck-Letmathe - head of Nestle S.A. - said companies should only pursue charitable endeavors with an underlying intention of making money for investors.
"I think there is good reason for corporate philanthropy," Brabeck-Letmathe said, speaking to Boston College's Chief Executives' Club. "But as managers, we need to be very careful, because it is not our money we're handing out, but the money of shareholders.''
(...)Brabeck-Letmathe said a company's obligation to the community is simply to create jobs and make products.
"What the hell have we taken away from society by being a successful company that employs people?" he said.
Nestle employs about 250,000 people directly worldwide and a total of 1 million indirectly. It produces a wide range of products, including candy, baby formula, coffee and bottled water."
Leituras recomendadas:
David Henderson "The Role of Business in the Modern World" (IEA 2004)
Elaine Sternberg "Corporate Governance: Accountability in the Marketplace" (IEA 2004)
por Miguel Noronha @ 3/13/2005 06:24:00 da tarde
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