Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. - James Bovard
Acerca do Yunus e do micro-crédito
Johan Norberg: "Today, the Norwegian Nobel Committee made its wisest decision in...well, perhaps ever"
Tyler Cowen: "This is a wonderful choice. The funny thing is, they never would have considered this guy for the Economics prize."
Glenn Reynolds:"Micro-credit is far more effective at fighting poverty than big government programs. And Grameen's efforts to empower women have made them very unpopular with Islamists"
AA: "O micro-crédito é um triunfo do empreendedorismo privado, e a prova que o capitalismo pode ser uma poderosa ferramenta de ajuda aos pobres, se deixado funcionar."
Sobre o micro-crédito recomendo a leitura deste post do JCD
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