
Traição (2)

Apesar da gravidade da ofensa de Arnold Schwarzenegger, há importantes atenuantes a considerar:

Arnold has been a frequent attendee and speaker at Reason Foundation Banquets in Los Angeles over the years. Even more it was recently uncovered that Arnold once attended a hardcore libertarian conference. Former UCSD student and current PrestoPundit.com Columnist Gregory Ransom discovered Arnold’s name as an attendee at an obscure conference on Austrian Economics held at his college in the 1980s. He wrote, “I remember picking up a small, poorly bound book that was a collection of papers presented at a very academic, very technical symposium on Austrian economics… On the first page was a small list of attendees… and there was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s name.”

Highly respected economic conservative and Washington Times Editorialist Donald Lambro had this to say about Arnold in a recent column; “he has deep-set political beliefs in the power of capitalism, deregulation and free markets to create economic prosperity. His reading includes books by Friedrich Hayek, the Nobel Prize-winning economist best known for his seminal free-market work, The Road to Serfdom.”