
CNN e Hezbollah

I mean, forget that Israel ended its occupation a couple of years ago. Forget that ever since then Hezbollah has been lobbing rockets into Israel and killing innocent civilians. Forget that this particular conflict was started when Hezbollah crossed the border into Israel specifically to kidnap two soldiers (killing another 8 in the process) just to try to extort the release of hundreds of their fellow thugs from the jails they belong in. And what does that exchange rate say about the value they place on their lives? Forget all that. Israel is the bad guy.

And now, the big story on CNN? The "Humanitarian Crisis", which is, of course, all Israel's fault. It has nothing to do with Hezbollah launching its attacks from within civilian neighborhoods or building its headquarters under apartment blocks, or the way they try to keep the population trapped in the area as human shields. They do this, of course, because they think their opponents value human life far more than they do.