Terror revisits Mumbai as 147 die in serial blasts
Terror had a plan in mind as it visited Mumbai on Tuesday. The powerful explosions that killed at least 147 rush-hour commuters and tore apart seven local-train compartments were methodically executed to shock the country’s financial capital and hurl it into chaos.
Unlike the 1993 blasts, aimed at the city’s institutions, 11/7 was meant to hit the people who represented the face of globalising Mumbai.The bombs — in all probability improvised explosive devices, the choice of terror groups in the past 10 years — exploded mostly in first-class compartments ferrying professionals and businessmen during the evening rush hour.
LeT, SIMI hand in Mumbai blasts NEW DELHI: The terror attack on Mumbai trains was carried out by Lashkar-e-Toiba and local Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) activists and was designed to trigger communal conflagration in the country’s financial capital, intelligence sources said.
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por Elise @ 7/12/2006 02:01:00 da manhã
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