
Primeiro Ministro Gianfranco Fini?

After months of tension, things now seem to be going better for the House of Freedom than the Union. Prospects of a likely win of the current foreign minister, Gianfranco Fini, in the center-right's primaries are giving right-wing leaders more confidence about next year's election. There's more reason for optimism than there was, say, seven months ago. Recent polls are showing Fini as the likely winner in case he is chosen to face Romano Prodi.

While most right-wing voters are disappointed in Berlusconi's performance during his five years as head of government, they seem enthusiastic about voting for Fini. Even the undecided see the current foreign minister as a trustworthy person and one willing to keep his electoral promises. Fini's popularity has never declined as much as Berlusconi's and, on the contrary, he has gained the most, whereas all the other coalition parties are losing support.