
Estados Unidos - América Latina

"The fact is, U.S.-Latin American relations are at one of their lowest historical points. The majority of Latin intellectuals traditionally have felt a deep and secret inferiority complex toward the U.S., blaming it for everything bad that takes place in the hemisphere. They have taught in both public and private schools and universities for three generations, and finally have seen their favorite students reach the top political positions not only in Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Bolivia, but also again in Chile, where the highly successful accomplishments and the good name of the "Chicago boys" are being meticulously trashed by official lies and horrendous judicial decisions, while Allende's followers are treated as victims and "compensated" from the state coffers.
Yes, Castro has been attacking U.S. governments and institutions for more than four decades, but the obscenity and insolence of Chávez and his clique have no precedent. Undoubtedly, he was encouraged by the lack of response when last January he said during one of his weekly "Aló Presidente" broadcasts that Condi Rice's problem was her lack of a sex life, something on which he offered to help her.
Unfortunately, socialism and communism have a growing number of advocates in Latin America, while capitalism has no clear support coming from Washington. Instead, too many recycled civil servants enjoy the tax-free life and great power of their current positions at the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and all the U.N. outposts, from where they support failed policies of big government and higher taxes. Is it any wonder some Latin friends of the U.S. feel betrayed?"

Carlos Ball, "A Socialist Hemisphere?" (via CATO Institute)

Eu costumava dizer que o termômetro para os próximos acontecimentos na América Latina seria o referendo que confirmaria (ou não) Hugo Chávez no poder. Após a vitória de Chávez nesse referendo, a retórica anti-americana e anti-capitalista ganhou força no continente. Mas essa força não é de agora, vem sendo preparada ao longo de décadas de doutrinação ideológica nas escolas e universidades. Enquanto as mentalidades foram sendo formatadas na América Latina, pouco apoio recebemos de Washington com relação ao Capitalismo. O que aconteceu com a tradicional área de influência dos Estados Unidos, isto é, com as Américas?