Route map to reform: deregulation
A convite do Adam Smith Institute (Reino Unido), um conjunto de especialista elaborou um documento que contém propostas conducentes à liberalização da Economia britânica, nomeadamente na eliminação da sobre-regulação criada quer pelas autoridades locais, quer pelas comunitárias.In this report, we tackle the growing and serious problem of regulation. Both individuals and businesses feel that regulation has become both too burdensome and too complicated, and politicians are starting to agree; but in office, they find it extremely difficult to simplify or lighten the burden. We have identified practical measures by which they can; and thereby, can unleash growth and enterprise in the economy.
For many reasons, governments find it easier to add new regulations than to eliminate the unnecessary ones. Hence the accumulated pile of regulation grows and grows. Meanwhile, lawyers and civil servants demand that regulatory rules should be clear and precise, so the complexity of regulation grows too. Now, however, there is an increasing realisation that regulation has become too burdensome.
por Miguel Noronha @ 3/15/2005 08:53:00 da manhã
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